Tools to Get Unstuck

Virtual Career Coaching from Your Clear Next Step


There likely isn’t one job, one industry, or one career out there for most people, yet often we are not equipped to realize opportunities. Sometimes it just seems easier to keep sitting at the same desk, parking in the same space, or completing the same reports.



Is it time for a change, but you don’t know where to start?


Has change ‘happened to you’ and finding your compass would be great?



Regardless of your current employment situation, you owe it to yourself to explore! Dig into the tools that coach Lynn Swanson has discovered through her experiences in navigating a 25 year career (and counting!). You will determine and assess your net worth as a baseline for establishing your appetite for change and exploring possibilities. Your key skills will be discovered allowing you to see your body of work differently. You will learn tactics to reflect and create a picture of your best self. These tools can (and should) be used throughout your professional life, no matter where you are!


Meet Your Coach


Lynn has over 25 years of professional experience, as well as an MBA degree. Holding positions including internal consultant, trainer, business analyst, project manager and chief of staff (sales operations) have provided a solid background in discovering and leveraging strengths and skills. When a company downsize eliminated her position, Lynn drew upon her experience and skills to discover opportunities she had never anticipated. She is currently a co-founder of a tech start-up and on the side enjoys working with musicians in both short-term and long-term collaborations.

Learn more about Lynn here.

Meet your coach

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Lynn to see if this program is right for you!

Program Objectives

By participating in Career Coaching: Tools to Get You Unstuck, participants will…

  • Gain career transition support
  • Become motivated and learn tools to look at new opportunities
  • Focus on self-discovery

About the Sessions


1. Your Story

In this first session, we reveal who you are, including your education, training and career path. What drains you? What are your energizers? What was that part-time job in high school that you’ve forgotten how much you loved? Conversely, what was that job that always wins the prize at parties for the worst job EVER?

2. Discovering or Confirming Your Net Worth

In this session, we focus on the foundation of  current and future financial understanding. It’s critical to opening your mind to opportunity and possibilities. Your specific situation is not shared, but is and will always be available for you to review, update and leverage on your career journey.

3. Take Inventory of Your Key Skills

In this session we’ll inventory both your technical skills and soft skills as an exercise. What are unexplored strengths that you possess?  You will also learn to identify valuable outcomes that you have delivered.

4. Reflecting on You

When did you last take the time to really ponder the role that your job or career plays in your life? Is there a barrier to your success that you’re not willing to acknowledge? After considering and responding to questions on your own time, in this session we’ll explore avenues that are available to you.

5. The World is Your Oyster

When you think about a job change, how wide do you cast your net? This session is designed to jump-start your search outside of the job family, career path, or industry with which you are most familiar.

Get unstuck today!

Find your career transition support here with Lynn Swanson. Sign-up for five 30 minute virtual sessions with Lynn and take your career to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be work outside the sessions with my coach?
Yes – you will take time to reflect on different aspects that identify where you are today relative to your goals.
Do I need a current resume?
No resume required! We will inventory your work history through alternate tools.
My work history is rather short. Does that affect the value I will gain from coaching?
Not at all! If you are looking for assistance in discovering opportunities available to you, then this is the program for you.
I'm considering retirement. Is it still valuable to participate in these sessions?
Absolutely! We will explore life-stage appropriate options, and the net worth exercise is essential for you.

Still have another question?

Click the button below to get in touch with us.

Tools to Get Unstuck


Regardless of your current employment situation, you owe it to yourself to explore! Dig into the tools that coach Lynn Swanson has discovered through her experiences in navigating a 25-year career (and counting!). You will determine and assess your net worth as a baseline for establishing your appetite for change and exploring possibilities. Your key skills will be discovered allowing you to see your body of work differently. You will learn tactics to reflect and create a picture of your best self. These tools can (and should) be used throughout your professional life, no matter where you are!


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